PLEASE READ: Helping Women on the Other Side of the World
The organization is funded by sponsors as well as general donations. When you become a sponsor, you become a pen pal with a woman from one of these many war torn countries:
The sponsorship program only costs $27 a month and in WFW's words: "Women begin in our Sponsorship Program where direct financial aid from a sponsor helps them deal with the immediate effects of war and conflict such as lack of food, water, medicine and other necessities. Exchanging letters with sponsors provides women with an emotional lifeline and a chance to tell their stories —maybe for the first time. As their situations begin to stabilize, women in our program begin building a foundation for their lives as survivors."
I have never really openly expressed my passion or my heart for this kind of service and ministry to women, but this is an incredible thing they... now WE... are doing! While there isn't necessarily a religious affiliation to this organization, it speaks straight to the heart of Christ; loving and providing for the needy and simply doing so in His name! Praise Jehovah-Jireh! My God- Provider!
WFW is definitely not a 'hand-out', but rather life skills and resources that not all the women in these countries can afford. Even if they can afford to receive this practical education... some women are beaten, burned, raped, and even killed for just seeking the slightest independence. It is a terrible injustice to these women , but WFW is doing so much to teach the communities of these simple life skills.
Here are the FIVE main core beliefs of Women For Women International:
Equality: All people are free and equal in dignity and rights: civil, political, social, economic and cultural.
Empowerment: The women who we assist are the leaders in their own lives. Tools are provided for each woman to rebuild her life.
Respect: The women we support choose their own value system. Options are presented to each woman but she is responsible for her own choice.
Diversity: Women are not simply refugees or victims of war but are survivors and individuals. No two women require the same support to heal, and no two societies can be rebuilt in the same way. Communication among women of varied backgrounds, national origins, race, and religion – both those who need assistance and those who offer it – must honor each other’s differences.
Investment: The one-on-one approach deals with macro issues through micro solutions. By strengthening local chapters we attempt to build or strengthen civil society in the countries where we work.
It truly is a beautiful thing to be involved in! My prayer is that the love of Christ would flow through the words on my letters and translate to my sister through WFW. In the next 4 weeks I will receive my sponsorship kit and will learn who my sister is. I cannot wait to being this new ministry! If you are a woman reading this, PLEASE PRAY about doing this as well! What an incredible thing to be able to do for someone! Please pray for me as I begin this new chapter in my life as well. If you decide that this is something that God may be calling you to do, please let me know! I would love to hear what is going on with you and your sister as well!
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Sherrill Lynn Moffett